Previous Symposia

2022: Sprache in der digitalen Welt – Vermittlung, Variation, Politik

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 627 KB)

2021: Language & Migration

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 502 KB)

Publication of JournaLIPP 8 (2023)

2019: Sex, Death and Politics – Taboos in Language

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 6 MB)

Das Organisationsteam des 26. LIPP Symposiums hat Conference Proceedings im Pragmatics & Cognition Journal veröffentlicht:

2018: Language Variation: Research, Models, and Perspectives

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 2 MB)

2017: Language in Contact: Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow

The programme is available for download here. (PDF, 294 kB MB)

2016: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Grammaticalization

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 2 MB)

2015: Text – Welt – Modelle: Neue Forschungsarbeiten aus der Kognitiven Linguistik

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 1 MB)

2014: Sprachinnovation Motivation – Erscheinungsformen – Verlauf (Summersemester)

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 789 kB)

2013/14: Linguistik 2.0 – Die Herausforderung der Digital Humanities (Wintersemester)

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 352 kB)

2013: Gefährdete Sprachen (Summersemester)

The flyer is available for download here. (PDF, 49 kB)

2012/13: Festsymposium zum 10-jährigen Bestehen des LIPP “Grammatische Variation und Standardgrammatik” (Wintersemester)

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 401 kB)

2012: Parts of Speech across Languages, in Acquisition, Mind and Brain (Summersemester)

The programme is available for download here. (PDF, 81 kB)

2011/12: Perzeptive Linguistik: Phonetik – Semantik – Variation (Wintersemester)

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 496 kB)

2011: Language Change (Summersemester)

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 1 MB)

2010/11: Philosophy of Language and Universal Grammar (Wintersemester)

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 149 kB)

2010: Language Variation in Europe and Beyond (Summersemester)

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 480 kB)

2008: „Language and Identity – from Social Construction to Cognition“

The book of abstracts is available for download here. (PDF, 449 kB)